With Rains Come Weeds


I hope you enjoyed a lovely weekend. It rained a bit here, off and on, which my plants and I welcomed. What I also welcomed about the recent rain, is that it's a heck of a lot easier to pull weeds when the soil is moist. 

I'll tell you that it sure seems as if the weeds start to pop up in warp speed once the rains come! I took advantage of this opportunity to get out there to tackle some of these beasts. My favorite method is to hand pull them, especially if the soil is nice and soft. Trust me, I know not many people like the idea of 'hand pulling' their weeds, but check this out, it is so incredibly satisfying when they pull right out!
Here is the approach I work with:

  1. Start Small: select an area of the garden to start with, the smaller the better. Then once that small area is completely weed free, you can then move to the next small area.

  2. Know your Enemy: this is a good approach when you have larger, open areas around your garden. I will prioritize the weeds from worst, most invasive to the not so bad ones. Start pulling the most invasive ones first, singling them out. Once the worst ones are eliminated, then I move to the second worst ones. This is a great approach for larger areas when the weeding can get overwhelming fast!

  3. Buddy Up: I encourage inviting a partner in crime to help with the weeding, however if you are on your own for this task, then listening to a podcast or an audio book is a great way to feel you are not at it alone. When we have this kind of 'distraction' from the task at hand, the weeds seem to vanish in no time. 

I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions, please send me a reply.
In the meantime have fun! You go this!

Take good care and stay well,

Suzanne : )

Suzanne Bontempo