note: time is PST
This is the first of 3 gardening classes to help you get your garden growing right. These classes are helpful for all levels of gardener.
Class #1: Did you know simply by increasing the health of your soil you are growing healthier plants and reducing pest problems? In this class you will learn why it’s important to build soil health, what types of fertilizers to use and how to apply them, and best irrigation practices. You will also learn which plants are best plants for your garden. This informative class is helpful for those starting out and a handy refresher for more experienced gardeners. Suzanne will also leave time after her program to answer your gardening questions.
This class is proudly sponsored by Santa Rosa Water
Please register for each class individually through Eventbrite.
Class #1: Growing Healthy Gardens from the Ground up - May 1st, 2023, 6pm-8pm
Class #2: Spring Pest Management - May 8th, 2023, 6pm-8pm
Class #3: Gardening for the Good Bugs - May 15th, 2023, 6pm-8pm